Photo by Darren Evans
Movement is the heart and soul of everything I do.
I look beyond the divisions between genres, combining ballet, contemporary dance, mime, drag, and theatre to create new forms of movement exploring identity, gender, and history. This takes shape in the form of films, theatre pieces, and cabaret acts.
My aim is to create a platform for people of all backgrounds, and to make dance and movement more accessible to everyone.
I am originally from Spain, and my artistic expression is all about commonality; about coming together to generate something that lets people speak both as a community and as individuals. It is this joyful communion that I strive to create in my work.
Patricia Langa
Photos by Jon Archdeacon, Martin Perry, James Mulkeen , Nicole Bachmann, Moja, Grant Walker, Bahbak Hashemi-Nezhad and Jaime Prada