The organisation commits to and actively promotes the welfare and wellbeing of all employees and freelancers engaged by Eric Longa (referred as staff and freelancers throughout this document), and of all children, young people, vulnerable people and adults (referred to as participants throughout this document) with whom they come into contact with during any form of engagement. This commitment is in line with our inclusive and discrimination free culture and this protection is regardless of age, disability, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation or gender. We have developed this policy with the support of Thick and Tight, as we believe their policies have been very well implemented.
Patricia Langa, Director of Eric Longa, has an Enhanced DBS check certificate up to date which can be available upon request, as well as a Safeguarding Adults Level 1 certificate.
Designated responsible person
Recruitment procedures
Contractual obligations
Planning and supervision of Eric Longa projects
Online safeguarding
Working with partnership organisations
Travel support
Communications/safe social networking
Data and record-keeping
Recognising abuse
Disclosure and response procedures
15. Photography/filming and use of media
Appendix A: Good practice guidelines for Safeguarding
Appendix B: Media consent form
Appendix C: Form for recording incidents/concerns/allegations
Appendix E: Code of conduct for schools/organisations/groups receiving Eric Longa workshops/activities
Appendix F: Useful numbers if a concern arises
The following terminology is used throughout this policy:
“Young person” This term has no legal status but acknowledges that people aged 15-17 may not think of themselves as “children”.
“Vulnerable person” refers to a person who is or may be in need of community care services and who is or may be unable to take care of themselves or unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation. They may have a) a learning or physical disability; b) a reduction in physical or mental capacity; c) physical or mental illness, chronic or otherwise.
“Disclosure of abuse” is the statement a child or vulnerable adult makes to another person which describes abuse.
“DBS check” is a term used for a check with the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly the Criminal Records Bureau).
“Designated responsible person” is a person who has specific responsibility for ensuring effective safeguarding procedures within the organisation and liaising with health, children’s/adult services and other agencies regarding suspected or actual cases of abuse.
The Director (Patricia Langa) is a Level 1 Adult Safeguarding certified since August 24’ and she is responsible to keep it up to date. This certificate can be available upon request. Patricia is also in the process of getting her Level 1 Children Safeguarding certificate and she will be fully certified in October 24’.
Day-to-day responsibility for safeguarding is delegated to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Patricia Langa).
The role of the Designated Safeguarding Leads includes:
Attending safeguarding training and keeping up-to-date with current legislation and developments in the field of Safeguarding.
Liaising with other staff members (including freelance staff) to ensure the implementation of the Safeguarding Policy across all Eric Longa’s activities.
Ensuring that there is adequate induction and training relating to safeguarding throughout the organisation where it is deemed necessary by the Director.
Receiving and recording information from freelancers, participants, audiences or parents/carers who have safeguarding concerns; assessing the information properly and carefully, clarifying or obtaining more information as appropriate and consulting with senior colleagues if necessary.
Reporting allegations/suspicion of abuse to the appropriate authorities and liaising with them thereafter as required. This includes consulting with the relevant authority as soon as possible after a concern is raised; if necessary, making a formal referral to the relevant statutory protection agency within 24 hours.
Working with other service providers - e.g. schools and support teams – to make sure that we are working together and communicating any concerns with those providers.
Ensuring that this policy is reviewed annually by the Director.
a. Staff
A DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certificate is required for the Director. If an Eric Longa freelancer needs a DBS certificate for any work undertaken with the company, for example leading an Eric Longa workshop in an educational setting, the company will cover these costs where necessary.
b. Working practice prior to Enhanced DBS clearance
If clearance has not been received by the start of work or a project after a request from the Director, they should ensure that additional protective measures are taken when the freelancer is working with young people or vulnerable groups. In the interim period, it is essential that those waiting for DBS clearance should not be alone with a child or vulnerable adult. If someone is working prior to an Enhanced DBS certificate being issued, the following control measures should be used:
Follow the Eric Longa guidelines for working with young people and vulnerable adults in Appendix A.
Make sure the person is not in any position which may place them or a young person/vulnerable adult at risk, such as being alone with a young person/vulnerable adult.
If a young person/vulnerable adult wants to share information, the person must make sure this takes place in an open space where both parties can be clearly observed.
The Director Patricia Langa is Level 1 Safeguarding certified since August 24’ and will provide suitable training and guidance to any staff with specific responsibilities in relation to young people and vulnerable adults. This will include:
Induction training, which includes familiarisation with Eric Longa’s Safeguarding Policy.
Comprehensive safeguarding training for staff where deemed necessary by the Director.
· All staff, freelancers, members of the volunteers and students on placement are required to sign to confirm that they have read and understood Eric Longa’s Safeguarding Policy. They must return the signed document along with any Letters of Agreement they might have been asked to sign by Patricia Langa (Director of Eric Longa).
· Any staff, freelancer or volunteer alleged to be in breach of this policy will be immediately suspended and Eric Longa’s disciplinary procedure followed.
Eric Longa recognises that making arrangements for the proper supervision of young people and vulnerable adults is one of the most effective ways of minimising opportunities for anyone to suffer harm in its care. A risk assessment will be completed for each project by Director & Producer.
1. Planning
The Director should plan and prepare or supervise a programme of activities for the young people/vulnerable adults involved in any Eric Longa project.
If Eric Longa freelancers are working with an organisation which has ultimate responsibility for the young people or vulnerable adults they supervise, those freelancers should be aware of that specific organisation’s Safeguarding Policies.
Planning should ensure that all participants are adequately supervised and engaged in suitable activities at all times. Eric Longa should obtain, in writing, parental consent to children joining an organised project via an application form.
2. Supervision
The Director must be satisfied that all adults who work on projects are fully competent to do so and that appropriate checks have been made.
For Eric Longa hosted events, a minimum of two people should always work with a group of young people or vulnerable adults. For events hosted by other organisations, Eric Longa will work to the safeguarding requirements of the host organisation (or in combination with ours) and will seek to ensure that a minimum of two people will work with any group (for example a teacher or youth worker and an Eric Longa workshop leader).
Eric Longa is not registered to provide personal care and participants who have personal care needs should make these known to Eric Longa and should arrange care support through their own care plan. Eric Longa will of course take responsibility to protect anyone in the event of emergencies/unplanned incidents.
3. Avoiding “alone” situations
· As a general rule, Eric Longa recommends that freelancers and volunteers try to avoid any situation in which they find themselves alone with young people or vulnerable adults. This protects participants from risk of harm and freelancers from any concern that they might be the subject of false allegation.
· Freelancers and volunteers should avoid being alone with a young person or vulnerable adult both inside and outside a workshop or meeting space unless there is an established friendship and understanding between participant and freelancer.
· A young person or vulnerable adult should never visit a freelancer at home or at any other private venue unless this has been agreed and understood by both Director and parents/carers.
· If a freelancer finds themselves alone with a young person or vulnerable adult, they should ensure that contact occurs in an open space or where they can be observed and are clearly visible e.g. with a door open or somewhere where they can be seen through a window.
· If a person is distressed and requests a 1:1 conversation, freelancers and volunteers should use their judgement as to whether this is appropriate. If possible, they should take another freelancer with them or in an absolute emergency, make sure they are in an open/visible space.
· If a young person or vulnerable adult needs to be escorted by a freelancer/volunteer in an emergency situation, the freelancer/volunteer should try to inform another freelancer of the situation and find another responsible adult to accompany them.
4. Medical emergency
In the case of a medical emergency, freelancers should follow the Eric Longa Health & Safety Policy.
The emergency should be logged and reported to the Director and the parent/carer of the young person or vulnerable adult concerned immediately (or as soon as possible after the end of the workshop/activity), in writing on the Incident/Concern Record Form (Appendix c).
Eric Longa recognises:
that the online world provides everyone with many opportunities but it can also present risks and challenges.
its duty to ensure that all young people and adults participating in its activities are protected from potential harm online.
the importance of working in partnership with its artists and participants, parents and carers, freelancers, volunteers and other agencies in order to keep its freelancers and participants safe and help them be responsible in their approach to online safety
Eric Longa will seek to keep young people and vulnerable adults safe online by:
Speaking to the institutions who hold ultimate responsibility for their young adults or vulnerable adults and request their Online safeguarding measures so that Eric Longa can follow their guidance.
Supporting and encouraging its freelancers and participants to use the internet, social media and mobile phones in a way that keeps them safe and shows respect for others. Please also see section Communications/Safe Social Networking.
Having clear and robust procedures in place to enable it to respond appropriately to any incidents of inappropriate online behaviour, whether by an adult or a child/young person.
Reviewing and updating the security of its information systems regularly
Ensuring that usernames, logins, email accounts and passwords are used effectively.
Ensuring that personal information about Eric Longa staff, freelancers, participants and any other individual involved in the organisation is held securely and shared only as appropriate.
Ensuring that images and recordings of freelancers and participants are only used after permission has been given, and only for the purpose for which consent has been given.
Examining and risk assessing any social media platforms and new technologies (such as Zoom) before they are used within the organisation.
Reviewing and updating this policy on an annual basis at the minimum, recognising the online world moves fast.
If online abuse occurs, Eric Longa will respond to it by:
- Having clear and robust safeguarding procedures in place for responding to abuse, including online abuse. Please see Disclosure and Response Procedures of this policy.
- Providing the necessary support and training for all staff and volunteers on dealing with all forms of abuse, including bullying/cyberbullying, emotional abuse, sexting, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.
- Making sure its response takes the needs of the person experiencing abuse, any witnesses and the organisation as a whole into account.
- Reviewing the plan developed to address online abuse at regular intervals, in order to ensure that any problems have been resolved in the long-term.
Useful websites for online safety:
For unresolvable online safeguarding issues: The Professionals Online Safety Helpline (POSH)
Eric Longa if working in partnership with external organisations such as other arts organisations, schools and community groups. All partner organisations will be issued with a copy of Eric Longa’s Safeguarding Policy.
When working externally, such as when delivering a workshop in a school, Eric Longa staff will ensure that safeguarding good practice is followed (as per Appendix A).
In advance of any workshop delivery, Eric Longa will clarify with the partner organisation which party has safeguarding lead responsibility.
Should an allegation of abuse occur during a partnership project, the Director will contact the partner organisation to keep them informed.
Eric Longa works with freelancers, artists and participants who sometimes need support with travel in order to take part in activities. In line with our partner Corali Dance Company’s recommendation we shall endeavour to provide a ratio of no more than three participants/artists per staff member/volunteer providing travel support.
For participants/artists/freelancers with higher needs, it may be necessary to provide a higher level of travel support e.g. 1:1 support.
Travel support can be via public transport, taxi or walking, as appropriate.
All freelancers involved in rehearsals or performances with Eric Longa can request Travel Support. As part of their Risk Assessment Planning, the Director of Eric Longa shall also reach out and check if any participants need travel support.
Eric Longa understands that social networking sites are a key tool for communication about its performances and activities and can act as effective recruitment tools for projects and events. However, wherever possible, freelancers should:
· limit communication with individuals to official Eric Longa communication channels.
· manage appropriate interaction on Eric Longa social media channels.
if necessary, encourage and educate Eric Longa participants about e-safety
If anyone has a request or issue with Eric Longa social media presence and conduct please write to Director Patricia Langa (email:
Prevent is a Government strategy that was set up as part of a wider counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. The Prevent strategy aims to prevent people from supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves. It is designed to:
respond to the ideological threat of terrorism and extremism.
provide practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.
work with a range of sectors where there is a risk of radicalisation, such as the education, charity, faith and criminal justice sectors.
Terrorist activity can include the exploitation of both children and adults. Eric Longa requires all contracted employees to have an awareness of the Prevent strategy/duty, potential signs of radicalisation and how to report any concerns, especially as it is working with vulnerable people.
Identifying potential signs of radicalisation:
Research from a variety of organisations has shown that there are a variety of possible indicators of a person being radicalised. These include:
an increase in extreme views relating to a social sector or Government policy.
the downloading, viewing and sharing of extremist propaganda.
an individual becoming withdrawn and increasingly intolerant of modern views.
a change in appearance or behaviour, with an individual becoming more isolated.
the expression of a desire or intent to support or take part in terrorist activity. There is no typical profile for a person likely to become involved in extremism, or who adopts violence in support of their particular ideology. Possible indicators could be:
Use of inappropriate language.
Possession of violent extremist literature, including electronic material.
Internet use and communication such as email and text messages.
Behavioural changes.
The expression of extremist views.
Advocating violent actions and means.
Association with known extremists.
Seeking to recruit others to an extremist ideology
If freelancers have any concerns about a participant beginning to support terrorism and/or violent extremism, they should discuss this immediately with the Director.
Patricia Langa understands the importance of good practice in data and record keeping. This includes:
Ensuring secure and confidential records are kept relating to all safeguarding matters.
Keeping personal information relating to young people and vulnerable adults involved in Eric Longa activity secure, in a restricted access folder.
Complying with Eric Longa’s Data Protection Policy and the Data Protection Act 1998 in the storing of personal information.
The Director is responsible for the management of data relating to freelancers and participants. This includes any requested records of DBS certificates.
Adults looking after children, young people and vulnerable adults should be aware of the risks of abuse (by adults or other young people), taking steps to reduce those risks in their working practice. Recognising child abuse is not easy. A list of signs and symptoms can serve as indicators of possible abuse, but this is not fail-safe.
Government guidelines in Working Together to Safeguard Children categorises abuse as: Physical abuse; Emotional abuse; Sexual abuse and Neglect.
There is usually an overlap between the signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse. Within each category there are both physical and behavioural signs and changes to be aware of.
Eric Longa recognises the importance of having clear procedures available to enable freelancers to handle situations where there is a safeguarding concern.
The term “disclosure” is generally used to describe what happens when a child or vulnerable person tells an adult that they are being abused.
It is not the responsibility of anyone working with Eric Longa, in a paid or unpaid capacity, to decide whether or not abuse has taken place. There is, however, a responsibility to act on any concerns by reporting these to Eric Longa Director, and, where appropriate, the responsible authorities.
There are other ways that a concern may arise, including when a disclosure is made by another young person or adult. Any disclosure, and whoever makes that disclosure, should be taken seriously.
Eric Longa freelancers should adhere to the procedures outlined below and using the Incident/Concern Record Form.
The Five Rs:
Spot the signs that could indicate abuse is happening to a child/young person/vulnerable adult.
Listen sensitively to the young person/vulnerable adult and what they have to say. Take them seriously.
Keep an open mind.
Stay calm; stay professional.
Ask open questions e.g. “What happened?” rather than “Did X happen?”.
Don’t criticise.
Explain the next steps.
Be honest about outcomes.
Never promise confidentiality – find an appropriate early opportunity to explain who you have to tell and why, and that Eric Longa has a duty to help keep them safe*.
Make brief notes immediately and keep them secure.
Use the Incident/Concern Record Form in Appendix C as a checklist of details that should be recorded.
Record specific words used by the child/young person/vulnerable adult.
Record impartially.
Contact Eric Longa’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (from May 24’: Patricia Langa). Give them the completed Incident/Concern Record Form.
Eric Longa’s Designated Safeguarding Lead will contact the relevant statutory authority as appropriate
* Confidentiality and Trust
Confidentiality and trust should be maintained as far as possible but freelancers must act on the basis that the safety and welfare of the young person or vulnerable adult is of paramount importance.
It may be appropriate to tell the young person or vulnerable adult that you are concerned and will be speaking to someone about your concern. There will, however, be times when to do this is not appropriate and freelancers must be able to make sound professional judgements about this based on the age and understanding of the Child/Young Person and the concerns.
* Disclosures about an Eric Longa employee:
Any disclosure about an Eric Longa freelancer – whether by staff or a fellow freelancer or participant - will be taken very seriously. Disclosures should be referred immediately and confidentially to Eric Longa’s Designated Safeguarding Lead. They will be followed up promptly and handled objectively.
All disclosures should be confirmed in writing, where possible using the form of Incident/Concern Record Form.
The Director may decide to suspend a particular activity until the matter is deal with satisfactorily.
All photographs and film footage of young people and vulnerable adults participating in Eric Longa activities and events will be obtained with the individual’s or the school/parent/carer’s permission (see media consent form Appendix B).
The images will be kept securely, stored in limited access files and used only in accordance with the consent provided. The details of images will be used sensitively and will avoid the use of personal details, unless permission to use their name(s) has been explicitly granted.
Photography and filming in public spaces with large numbers of participants will only be allowed with clear signage to inform the public that if they enter the space they are agreeing to the possibility of being filmed.
Wherever possible, clear images of unaccompanied under 18-year olds who are not part of Eric Longa activities will not be used.
When working with professional photographers/press, Eric Longa will issue written expectations to photographers or the press who are invited to an event, making clear the organisation’s expectations of them in relation to Safeguarding. Photographers and film-makers will not be allowed unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults.
Eric Longa has a duty to promote safe working practices and a clear understanding of what to do if abuse is suspected or disclosed. In addition, there is responsibility to ensure all freelancers, artists, work placement individuals or volunteers are not placed in a situation where abuse might be alleged.
All Eric Longa personnel should be encouraged to demonstrate exemplary behaviour in order to promote the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults and reduce the likelihood of allegations being made. The following are common sense examples of how to create a safe, positive culture and climate for effective working:
Good practice in planning a project/activity/event means:
Undertaking, at the outset of the project/activity/event planning, a risk assessment specific to that project/activity/event and then monitoring the risk throughout the project
Identifying the people with designated protection responsibility
Putting systems in place to ensure easy reporting of safeguarding issues at all levels of the organisation
Putting systems in place to create and manage good relationships with parents/carers and other stakeholders
Being aware of the content of the work and the impact it may have on young people and vulnerable adults
Knowing how to get in touch with local authority social services, in case you have to report a concern to them
Good practice in appropriate physical contact (“safe touch”):
Due to the nature of dance/performance work, and the individuals and groups which Eric Longa may be working with, physical contact is often an important part of the process between participants and freelancers
Outside the dance process, freelancers should keep a safe and appropriate distance from participants. Inside the dance process, freelancers should follow the guidelines below:
If touch is important to an exercise or is needed for another reason, always ask the individual first
It is important to be clear with dancers what touch is to be expected - e.g. exercises where partners need to hold each other - and to specify the kinds of movement that may be used
Respect the fact that some participants may not want to be touched.
There can be different reasons for this, including cultural boundaries.
The need for physical contact can vary between different groups e.g. those with more profound disabilities may require a greater degree of touch. If in doubt, check first to see what is appropriate/needed. For a young person, it may be helpful to speak to his/her/their parent/carer/teacher
Touch should always be sensitive and respectful. Remember that a young person may become more sensitive to touch as they grow up
Touch sometimes comes from a participant. If you are concerned that touch has been inappropriate, speak to the Director or venue staff so that an appropriate conversation with the participant can take place
Good practice in interpersonal dealings means:
Treating all people with respect and dignity.
Always putting the welfare of each participant first, before achieving goals.
Building balanced relationships based on mutual trust which empowers children/young people/vulnerable adults to share in the decision-making process.
Giving positive and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism.
Being an excellent role model for dealings with other people.
Communication with young people or vulnerable adults should be via official Eric Longa communication channels only.
Recognising that young people with disabilities may be even more vulnerable to abuse than other children or young people.
Good practice in managing sensitive information means:
Having a policy and set of procedures for taking, using and storing photographs or images of young people or vulnerable adults
Careful monitoring and use of web-based materials and activities
Agreed procedures for reporting any suspicions or allegations of abuse
Ensuring confidentiality in order to protect the rights of freelancers and volunteers, including safe handling, storage and disposal of any information provided about artists or potential staff as part of the recruitment process (DPA 1998)
Good practice in professional development means:
Keeping up to date with health and safety in artistic practice
Regularly updating the staff regarding safeguarding policy and procedures
Undertaking relevant development and training
In order to ensure the protection and privacy of the people we work with, we ask for permission from artists, collaborators, participants and/or their carers, parents or guardians before using any images taken at an Eric Longa event.
Eric Longa aims to check in advance that you are happy for a photograph or film of you to be shown in a new context. If you want Eric Longa to remove a photograph or film from our or a partner organisation’s website, social media, publicity or exhibition, we will do so wherever possible.
I, ___________________________, consent to the recording of moving and photographic images of myself/___________________________ (if parent/carer/guardian) to be used in the following ways:
§ In documenting a project for Eric Longa internal use and for any collaborating artists/partners concerned
§ For use in public displays and exhibitions by Eric Longa, partner organisations and the artists concerned
§ For use in publications, news articles, publicity and in the media
§ For use on Eric Longa’s website and social media, for marketing and publicity purposes only
• For use in Eric Longa funding applications Images are never for the personal use of Eric Longa artists or partners.
Signed ____________________________ (participant)
Signed _____________________________ (on behalf of participant) Relationship to participant if under age of 16 years_______________________
Date __________________
Your Name:
Name of Child/Vulnerable Adult: Address of Child/Vulnerable Adult:
Parent/Carer’s Name and Address:
Child/Vulnerable Adult’s Date of Birth:
Incident Date:
Your Observations:
Incident Time:
Statement of what the Child/Vulnerable Adult said and what you said:
Action Taken So Far:
External Agencies Contacted:
Police Yes/No
If yes – which:
Name and Contact Number:
Details of Advice Received:
Social Services Yes/No
If yes – which:
Name and Contact Number: Details of Advice Received:
Local Authority Yes/No
If yes – which:
Name and Contact Number: Details of Advice Received:
Other (e.g. NSPCC) Yes/No
If yes – which:
Name and Contact Number: Details of Advice Received:
Print Name:
Eric Longa’s team is looking forward to working with you. To ensure that the workshop/activity runs smoothly, and for the protection of both the participants and staff, Eric Longa’s guide for best practice behaviour is set out below. Thank you to Corali Dance Company for the use of this guide.
Please read the following and sign to state that you acknowledge what is being asked of you and your group, and that you agree to these terms.
You must:
Notify Eric Longa of any children or young adults with particular needs and anything else that is relevant in advance of the project start date.
Ensure group size is appropriate for the workshop/activity, as agreed on booking.
Be responsible for the safeguarding, welfare and safety of the group for the entire duration of the event.
Ensure that parental permission has been sought for the activity the group will take part in if necessary.
Take responsibility for the behaviour of your group – inappropriate or dangerous behaviour will not be permitted.
Ensure that the room being used for the workshop is clear and ready for the session and that it is the appropriate temperature.
Allocate male, female and gender-neutral changing areas where possible.
Ensure timings of workshop, including breaks, start and finish times are confirmed with the workshop leaders at the beginning of the workshop.
Ensure that equipment meets safety standards.
Carry out risk assessments.
Ensure there is a first-aid box which meets current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations.
Provide contact details for your safeguarding lead (a decision should be made in advance as to who will be safeguarding lead for the activity)
Ensure all staff and participants are aware of all fire exits
Eric Longa is committed to safeguarding. Our Safeguarding Policy for children, young people and vulnerable adults will be attached as a document to this form.
If you are not comfortable talking to Eric Longa about a concern, or not sure if you are right, you can also speak to a police officer, teacher, health visitor, doctor or the NSPCC. The most important thing is to tell someone who can help.
If you believe a child is in immediate danger you should call the police on 999 straight away.
If you think a child is at risk of being neglected or abused, you should contact the relevant borough social care team, which can be done by phone or email.
NSPCC tel: 0808 800 5000
If you are not comfortable talking to Eric Longa about a concern, and think an adult is at risk of being neglected or abused, you should contact the relevant borough’s social care team which can be done by phone or email.
In an emergency the police should be contacted on 999. If it is not an emergency, the police should be contacted on 101.
Date of last policy review: 30thth of August 2024
Date of next review: 30th of October 2024
Signed: Patricia Langa (Company Director)